
Making the Case: Compelling Data

This growing library features data points describing the impacts and outcomes of student-centered and competency-based teaching and learning. The data are sourced from research studies, evaluation reports and journal articles, as well as evidence collected directly by classroom, school, district and state leaders.

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    Student Agency and Voice

    Most Students Feel Little Control Over Their Learning

    A broad array of learning communities surveyed over 20,000 students about their experiences and found most do not feel they have control over their education. Only 29% reported feeling they have a say in what happens to them at school and only 31% said they can choose how they do their work.

    Assessment and Accountability

    Educators Report More Use of Formative Assessments

    Results of a 2022 national survey of educators showed, though summative assessments increased from 2021, teachers are adopting a more balanced approach to assessment. 81% of surveyed teachers used formative assessments in 2022, a 5% increase from 2021, and 78% used benchmark/interim assessments, a 20% increase.

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Educators and Parents Agree Relationships are Critical to Success

    In a 2022 national survey of changing educator and parent views, 97% of administrators, 98% of teachers and 90% of parents felt relationships were the most critical social emotional component of student success.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Educators Feel Engagement Best Indicator of Success

    A 2022 national survey of changing educator and parent views showed 94% of educators think student engagement is the most important metric of student success, following a similar trend of 92% for the 2021 survey.

    Career and Technical Education

    CTE Courses Lead to Higher Employment and Salaries

    A large study in Arkansas showed students who took just one more Career and Technical Education course than the average of 4.9 increased their probability of employment the year after graduation by 1.5 percentage points and their expected quarterly wage by 3%. Of note, Arkansas college students also commonly work.

    Career and Technical Education

    CTE Courses Lead to Higher Graduation and College Enrollment Rates

    Study of a large data set in Arkansas revealed students who took just one more Career Technical Education course than the average of 4.9 increased their probability of graduating from high school by 3.2 percentage points and of enrolling in a two-year college the next year by 0.6 percentage points.

    Career and Technical Education

    CTE Course Concentration Increases Graduation Rates

    A study of CTE in Arkansas showed students concentrating in a program of study (a sequence of three related classes) had a four-year graduation rate of 93%, compared to 51% for non-concentrators. College enrollment rates were 28% compared to 20% for non-concentrators, with low-income students showing the largest positive impact.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Student Do Not Feel Represented in School Decision-Making

    In a nationally representative sample of 1,000 8-12th grade students surveyed after the 2021-22 school year, only 28% felt student opinions are represented 鈥渁 great deal鈥 in major decisions and policy considerations at their school, with numbers much lower for district, state and federal decisions.

    Career and Technical Education

    Immersive MA Career and Technical Education Boosts Graduation Rates

    In a study of Massachusetts schools in which all students participate in an immersive Career and Technical Education (CTE) program, students with higher incomes were 7 to 10 percentage points more likely to graduate from high school on time than similar income peers receiving either more traditional or no CTE programming.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Teachers Report Student Choice Boosts Engagement

    In a national survey of 8,000 educators, 70% said students were both more engaged and retained information better during learning activities when the students chose the activities themselves based on interests.

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Black and Latino Students Underrepresented in Dual Enrollment

    While overall participation in dual enrollment programs is up in California, a study revealed equity concerns. Compared with overall school enrollment, 59 of 72 districts had a lower percentage of Latino students, and 52 had a lower percentage of Black high school students in these programs.

    Student Agency and Voice

    Students Want Self-Directed Learning Post-Pandemic

    In a nationally representative sample of 1,000 8-12th grade students surveyed after the 2021-22 school year, 53% want self-paced student learning to continue after the pandemic.

